This was forwarded to me and I fully agree 100%
It had to be this way. No really, it had to be this way.
For at least 60 years (probably more like 110 years), anyone who has publicly tried to go up against the cabal has been 'removed' in some fashion, either killed outright, disappeared, threatened, or ridiculed and their career destroyed. So over the decades, any "good guy" plan to try and combat the ever growing chokehold of corruption and evil on society, would have had to be completely clandestine. All members thoroughly vetted. Thus the good guys could secretly build and grow their network, and plan out how to try and bring down the cabal.
I'd imagine the list hanging on the good guys peg board of ways not to try and take on the cabal is very very long, and the 'viable options' list is pretty short. I think it basically came down to 2 things they could do without tipping their hand to the cabal.
1) Psyop the shit out of everyone and everything, like the cabal has been doing for decades. This keeps the cabal guessing and off balance! They seriously don't know exactly what is going on, or what's going to happen next. It also helps wake up the public, as they get hit with more and more psyops from both sides, and more and more obvious psyops.
2) Compress their time frame, and twist the throttle to 11! Operation warp speed. I think the Patriots plan to counter the cabal's 16 year plan, is a 12 year plan. Trumps three terms (as has been said), 1st term - Devo term - 3rd term. In trumps first term, he rolled back much of the damage Obama had done. Effectively setting the cabal back 8 years on their plan, while at the same time using up the first 4 years of what was supposed to be Hillary's 8 year reign, thus leaving the cabal basically 4 years in which to complete their 16 year plan. That isn't going to work out well for them. It's too much too fast, and the public is gagging on it and pushing back. Trumps 3rd term will be the cleanup phase. 😁
So I don't think the good guys had an option to just "reveal everything and arrest the bad guys", and instead decided to use the Psyops and subterfuge option, and subject the public to all of the cabals plans in real time as a wake up operation. No, I think forcing the cabal to expose itself to the public, by speeding up their plan, was the only way to do it. It was the only option that the cabal wasn't prepared to counter, and the only way to get the public on board for the physical takedown of the cabal that is to come
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